Topic 1: Getting To LEARN

ADAPTATION; Adaptation is a process that we as human being or more likely a student will never retire from. We go through something new everyday and we need to adapt to it in order to be and show the best of ourselves. The process of adaptation is vast starting from the reconstruction of our new environment , new studying method, new friends, and time management.

The differences between High school and College
Source: Google Images

Learning Style and Characteristics

Types of learning styles

Activity 1: Identifying my learning style

Results from :
Source: screenshot;
Learning style Quiz

Referring to the quiz that we are required to answer given by DR.Shafii [link Identifying your learning style], I have been given the score shows as below.

  • Auditory [50%]
  • Visual [30%]
  • Tactile [20%]

From the scores resulting above, I have identified my learning style as an AUDITORY learner. I can understand important things and informations by hearing them with the help of my ears throughout the learning process.

According to the quiz page, here are thing that I can practise to improve my learning ability as an Auditory Individual:-

  • Sit where you can hear
  • Have your hearing checked on regular basis
  • read stories, assignments or directions outloud
  • Record yourself spelling words
  • Study new things by reading out loud