Topic 1: Getting To LEARN

ADAPTATION; Adaptation is a process that we as human being or more likely a student will never retire from. We go through something new everyday and we need to adapt to it in order to be and show the best of ourselves. The process of adaptation is vast starting from the reconstruction of our new environment , new studying method, new friends, and time management.

The differences between High school and College
Source: Google Images

Learning Style and Characteristics

Types of learning styles

Activity 1: Identifying my learning style

Results from :
Source: screenshot;
Learning style Quiz

Referring to the quiz that we are required to answer given by DR.Shafii [link Identifying your learning style], I have been given the score shows as below.

  • Auditory [50%]
  • Visual [30%]
  • Tactile [20%]

From the scores resulting above, I have identified my learning style as an AUDITORY learner. I can understand important things and informations by hearing them with the help of my ears throughout the learning process.

According to the quiz page, here are thing that I can practise to improve my learning ability as an Auditory Individual:-

  • Sit where you can hear
  • Have your hearing checked on regular basis
  • read stories, assignments or directions outloud
  • Record yourself spelling words
  • Study new things by reading out loud

Topic 2 : Goal SETTING and Learning MANAGEMENT

β€œOne way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals”

-Micheal Korda

GOAL: A goal is an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people envisions, plans and commits to achieve. People endeavor to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlines.


As a student, having goals is salient in order to keep us motivate and keep us to achieve the target that we want to achieve. Apart from that, according to Edwin A. Locke, the more specific and ambitious ones goal, it will lead to more performance improvements than easy and general goals. However, goal settings can affects the outcomes by

  1. Choice – Goals may narrow someone`s attention and direct their efforts toward goal relevant activities .
  2. Effort- Goals may someone more effort full .
  3. Persistence – Goals may make someone more willing to work through set back.

Activity 2: Managing Your Goal

Dr. Shafiq have asked us to set up our goal, obstacle, and our way to achieve it .

My goals and how I can achieve it

Topic 3: Time MANAGEMENT

Source: Google Images

As a student, time management is so important to ensure that our time is spent in a quality way. A good time management could be beneficial for us in terms of reducing stress, shorter the time when doing the task and more time for us to spend with our family and friends.

In order to manipulate time managements , we need to master things shown below

  1. Create a time audit
  2. Set a time limit to each task
  3. Use a to-do-list but do not abandon tasks
  4. Plan ahead
  5. Learn to delegate or outsource
  6. Eliminate half work
  7. Priority the most urgent task
  8. Have a schedule to manage your time
  9. Get organized and single task
  10. Stop being perfect

So that is the few things that we need to master in order for us to manage our time carefully and making sure that we spend all time more quality.


Procrastination ; is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplish by a certain deadline.

β€œMy advice is to never do tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time.”

Charles Dicken

There are several reasons why people always procrastinating

  1. Excessive perfectionism
  2. Laziness
  3. Try to avoid getting fail or fall at something
  4. Plenty of time procrastination

Activity 3 : Personal Schedule

We are required to do our weekly schadule as shown below:-

Activity 4 : Managing so Much Work

By using the schedule shown below, we must identify the urgency of each activity;

Topic 4: Getting to know the CAMPUS

Source: Google Images

The UiTM , Pahang branch have 2 campuses which are

  • Campus Raub
  • Campus Jengka

List of Faculty in UiTM Pahang Branch, Campus of Jengka

  1. Faculty of accounting
  2. Faculty of applied science
  3. Faculty of plantation and aggro technology
  4. Faculty of sport science and recreation
  5. Faculty of civil engineering
  6. Faculty of business management
  7. Faculty of science and mathematics

Library And Resources

Source: Google Images

Operational Hours

Open Monday To Friday

Starting rom 8:30 a.m. to 5:00p.m.

Zones in the library

πŸ“•Quite zone

πŸ“•Silent Zone

πŸ“•Social Zone

The Library Al-Bukhari 1 are consist of several types of library

  • School library
  • Academic library
  • Special library

Activity 5: Assignments Video Introducing Campus

We have be given the task and assignment to introduce some of the important places in UiTM Jengka in a form of group video details for 10 min .


Topic 5: Memory Learning And Improving CONCENTRATION

Center of information
Source : Google Images

Regarding this topic, we have been exposed to memory learning and the effect of improving concentration by our lecturer, Dr Agustono Wibowo. He explained to us how we can easily remember things and the important of it. However in order for us to dig deep inside this topic, we first need to know and understand about MEMORY.

MEMORY; Memory is our ability to encode, store, retain and subsequently recall information and past experiences in the human brain. … Memory is the sum total of what we remember, and gives us the capability to learn and adapt from previous experiences as well as to build relationships.

Referring :Human Memory [Google]

Activity 6: Answering Question

Source: [Activity 4.1 (p90 in van blerkom, 2009)]

The total points indicate your brain ability roughly, the higher the total points, the better it is.

Memory and learning

Source:[Adaptation from NTL.BM] Google Images

Following up from the lecture process, we have been exposed to the definition of memory, how informations are restored in our memory, and I turned up to something new regarding the needs of using various kind of learning strategy, retaining, encoding and storage, not to forget, the retrieval.

By referencing the pyramid above, we know that there a a vast effective of memory retention.

The storage [ Retaining Information ]

Source: Google Images

According to the diagram above, memory can be divided into 2:

  1. Short-term Memory (abbr STM)
  2. Long-term Memory (abbr LTM)

1) Short-term memory is a very limited information stored in our brain . By rephrasing and repeat, we are able to change this type of memory to a Long-term Memory. If we fail to do this, it is not impossible for us to completely forget about it.

2) Long-term memory is an unlimited and never ending storage located in our nerve. This kind of memory may be disappear or forgotten if it was not used for a prolonged time.

Activity 7 : Close your eyes

We were given by a glimpse of numbers located in a slideshow -[approximately 5 seconds] and are ordered to write down the numbers that we remember.

I managed to jot down 6 of it.

Memory strategies

How can we forget? And how can it occur?

As a student, paying attention and giving full focus is soo important in order for us to absorb as many informations as we could and store it inside our memory . The main reason for it to occur is because we are losing focus on lectures time and do not pay full attention during the lecturing duration. Apart from that, by not understanding certain parts of informations, it also may lead to forgetting situations.

How can we improve our memory ?

  • practice to focus and give 100% commitments
  • organize the informations
  • Repeating and keep rephrasing

Strategy to improve Concentration

  1. Take a rest
  2. Make a plan
  3. Developed a control and balance diet
  4. Exercise frequently
  5. Take breaks and mix up the environment
  6. Remember to give your brain a quick break at least every hour at the most every 30 minutes
  7. Practice doing one thing at a time and do it to completion
  8. Try keywords techniques

Causes of poor concentration

  1. Stress
  2. Lack of interest, motivation, attention
  3. Lack of sleep
  4. In excruciating environments
  5. Diet

Activity 8 : Concentration chart

Our lecturer has asked us to build our concentration chart

The chart is shown as below;

My concentration chart

Topic 6 : Taking Lecture NOTES

Source : Google Images

Lecture Notes?

  • Taking notes is one of many methods for us to memorise things easily and strengthen our brain memory
  • It is also help us revise things especially before sitting for examination
  • Notes are use to recall the things learn by students after the lecture class

How to take lecture notes?

Preparing yourself in taking notes

By reading the text assignment before we sit for our class, it will improve us to:

  • Know and learn draftly about the topic we are going to learn
  • Rebuild main ideas about the topics and subtopics
  • Creating a more managable and organised notes

Before class you can also:-

  • Review the notes
  • Reading back your assignment
  • Make sure you have your stationaries prepared the day before

Become and effective and active listener

Below are strategies to improve listening skills for a better study quality

  • Monitor your listening
  • Get your ears checked monthly
  • Control your response
  • Control your emotions
  • Decide when and what to listen
  • Sit infront in class or lecture class
  • Focus on your objectives of what you wanna learn in the class
  • Ignore all the negative surroundings/sounds

Effective Note Taking System

There are many ways and method of effective note taking system, some of it a shown as below:-

  1. Cornell note-taking method
  2. The block method
  3. Informal outline
  4. Modified block method
  5. Mapping method
Cornell note-taking method
Source : Google Images
Informal outline method
Source: Google Images
Block method
Source : Google Images
Modified Block method
Source : Google Images
Mapping method
Source : Google Images

Activity 9: Taking notes using Cornell/Block/Outline/Mapping Method

We are ask to make a note about topic given and shown to us during the lecture time using one of the method stated above

Topic 7: Academic Integrity and Performance

Source : Google Images

Integrity ; Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values.

Source : Google [Wikipedia]

Having integrity could obstruct one from doing unmannerly action. One of it is called plagiarism.


Source : Google images

Plagiarism ; plagiarism is an act to plagiarize in order to give the impression that you have written or thought something that you have β€˜borrowed’ from someone else.

The act of plagiarism is illegal, unethical and can lead to failure in courses if caught and discovered.

How to avoid plagiarism

There are ways to avoid plagiarism, some of it will make sure that we will never simply taking source without crediting the author or owner.

  1. Paraphrase. Make sure that you do not copy verbatim more than words in a row together.
  2. Cite. Citation or citing is one of the effective ways to avoid plagiarism. You may follow the document formatting guidelines (APA, MLS, CHICAGO) used by institutional research requests.
  3. Quoting. Citing a quote can be different then citing paraphrased material.
  4. Referencing. One of the most important ways to avoid plagiarism Is including a reference page of work cited.

Calculating Grade Point Average (GPA)

Every final semester examination will be graded using Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average at the end of semesters course.

Source : Google Images

A Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated in each semester scaled from 0 to 4.0 shown as below

Source : Google Images
The formula to calculate GPA

In order to calculate and find our gpa weighted by credit hours, you can do steps shows below.

  1. Multiply each numeric Grade value by the numbers of credit the course allocated
  2. Add this values of number together
  3. Divide by the total number of credit you have registered

Failure and Dismissal

Failure status

Activity 11 : Calculating Gpa

Extract 1 : Diagram below shows Amelia Ameer`s examination results. Calculate the gpa for Amelia Ameer on her first semester

Amelia Ameer`s result [1st semester]
  • Comparative animal. Psychology = 3 (credit ) x 3.33 (Grade B+) = 9.99
  • Biochemistry = 4 (credit) x 1.67 (Grade C-) = 6.68
  • Integrated psychology lab= 1 (credit) x 4 (Grade A) = 4.0
  • Asian civilization = 3 (credit ) x 1.67 (Grade C-) = 5.01
  • Ecology = 3 (credit) x 4 (Grade A) = 12.0
  • Korean = 3 (credit) x 3 (Grade B) = 9.00

Total ; 46.68[ total points]

17 [ total credit hour]

GPA [ 1ST SEM] = 2.75 |based on formula (diagram) above|



Extract 2 : what happen if Amelia Ameer had earned a B in Biochemistry?

  • Comparative animal. Psychology = 3 (credit ) x 3.33 (Grade B+) = 9.99
  • Biochemistry = 4 (credit) x 3 (Grade B) = 12.0
  • Integrated psychology lab= 1 (credit) x 4 (Grade A) = 4.0
  • Asian civilization = 3 (credit ) x 1.67 (Grade C-) = 5.01
  • Ecology = 3 (credit) x 4 (Grade A) = 12.0
  • Korean = 3 (credit) x 3 (Grade B) = 9.00

Total ; 52 [total points]

17 [ total credit ]

GPA [1ST SEM ( IF BIOCHEMISTRY IS B)]= 3.06 |based on formula (diagram) above|



Extract 3 : What is the difference in his GPA ?

3.06 [ if BC is scored B ] – 2.75 [if BC is scored C-] = 0.31



Extract 4 : Calculate Amelia Ameer`s 2nd semester GPA.

Amelia Ameer`s result [2nd semester]
  • Cell biology = 4 [ credit] x 3.33 (Grade B+) = 13.32
  • Organic Chemistry = 4 (credit) x 3 (Grade B) = 12.00
  • Intro Physics I = 4 (credit) x 2 (Grade C) = 8.00
  • Writing in Biology = 3 (credit) x 2 (Grade C) = 6.00
  • Public Speaking = 3 (credit) x 3.67 (Grade A- ) = 11.01

Total ; 50.33 [total points]

18 [ total credit]

GPA [ 2ND SEMESTER ] = 2.80 |Based on formula (diagram) above |



Extract 5 : What would happen if Amelia Ameer had earned a D in Cell Biology instead of a B+?

  • Cell biology = 4 [ credit] x 1.00 (Grade D) = 4.00
  • Organic Chemistry = 4 (credit) x 3 (Grade B) = 12.00
  • Intro Physics I = 4 (credit) x 2 (Grade C) = 8.00
  • Writing in Biology = 3 (credit) x 2 (Grade C) = 6.00
  • Public Speaking = 3 (credit) x 3.67 (Grade A- ) = 11.01

Total ; 41.01 [total points]

18 [total credit]

GPA [SEMESTER 2 (IF CELL BIOLOGY IS D)] =2.28 |based on the formula (diagram) above|



Extract 6 : What is the difference in GPA [2nd semester]?

2.80 [if CD is scored B+] – 2.28 [if CD is scored D] = 0.52



Extract 7 : What is the differenct in CGPA?

The difference in CGPA can be calculated bu substracting Amelia CGPA in semester 1 and semester 2 shown as below

2.77 [ CGPA of Semester 1] – 2.75 [ CGPA of Semester 2] = 0.02



Extract 8 : What does Amelia Ameer need to do in order for hear to achieve a GPA score of 3.00 in the Semester 2 if hear CGPA falls below 2.50 in Semester 1 ?

Amelia must at least score a Grade B and Higher in Introduction to Physics, and writing in Biology.